Citi ierobežojumi

Papildus informācija

Available signal registration back-ends

DBBC2/Mark5c, Flexbuff,

Total Power Meter, Spectrum analyser,

USRP Software Defined Radio

Station time and frequency standarts

Kvarz Maser CH-75A active H_maser

Allan deviation:

2e-13 @1s,

3e-15 @ 1000s,

3e-16 @ 1day

Symmetricon XL-GPS GPS time receiver

Darbības ierobežojumi

Parameter Specification Notes
Ambient temperature -35° .. +45°C
Primary and secondary mirror surface temparature -35° .. +60°C
Maximum snow cover 400 mm
Maximum ice cover 10 mm
Wind speed (primary operating conditions) 10 m/s
Average wind speed (degraded working conditions) Up to 15 m/s 20 m/s in gusts
Survival wind speed 60 m/s When reflector points to zenith
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