About project IMDS

 „Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity”

Name of the Project: “Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity”

Latvian: "“Viedais bioloģijas speciālās leksikas informācijas sistēmu komplekss lingvistiskās daudzveidības pētniecībai un saglabāšanai”"

Project No. lzp-2020/1-0179

Project Acronym: IMDS               


Program: Fundamental and applied research of the Latvian Scientific Council

Project Submitter: Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS), cooperation partner – DPP “Institute of Horticulture”

Project Scientific Supervisor: Silga Sviķe, researcher of VUAS, scientific work of the project DPP Institute of Horticulture is coordinated by Arturs Stalažs.

Project implementation period: 01.01.2021.–31.12.2023. (36 months, 3 reference periods)

Brief Qualitative Description and Aim of the Project

The aim of the project is to develop an open access interactive and multifunctional database-management system (hereinafter – IMDS) with data storage, sorting and search function, as well as the possibility of retrieving statistical data for research and preservation of linguistic and terminological diversity.

Project tasks:

  1. Data collection and processing in the developed system;
  2. Processing and analysis of data collected and obtained in the developed system in scientific research;
  3. Improvement of additional functionality of the developed system (possibility to include additional databases and data retrieval);
  4. Distribution of research results – preparation and publication of scientific articles, participation in conferences.

Project results:

  1. Four scientific articles indexed in Scopus or Web of Sciences databases;
  2. Eight anonymously reviewed scientific articles;
  3. One peer-reviewed scientific monograph;
  4. Interactive multi-functional database-management system (IMDS) has been developed for the preservation and research of the diversity of organism names, including the publication of a database of organism names, documentation and a user manual;
  5. Electronic dictionary of Latvian-Latin-English-Russian-German botanical terms as Android and iOS mobile applications;
  6. Organized an international scientific conference on multilingual research and statistical method in language research “International scientific conference on multilingual studies and language statistics”, including the publication of the conference proceedings.

Project funding: EUR 300, 000.00, consisting of

  • VUAS IE VIRAC funding: 183, 025.00 EUR
  • DPP IH funding: 116, 973.00 EUR

Contact Information:

Project Scientific Supervisor – Dr. philol. Silga Sviķe, silga.svike@venta.lv

Project Administrative Manager – Ieva Kozlova, ieva.kozlova@venta.lv

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