This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
Scientific Organizing Committee | ||
Prof. Andris Vaivads (Chairman) | Ventspils University of Applied Sciences | Latvia |
Dr. phys. Ivar Shmeld | Ventspils University of Applied Sciences | Latvia |
Prof. Leonid Gurvits | Joint Institute for VLBI and TU Delft | The Netherlands |
Dr. Dainis Dravins | Lund Observatory | Sweden |
Dr.phys. Ilgmārs Eglītis | University of Latvia | Latvia |
Ph.D. Juha Kallunki | Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences | Finland |
Habil.Dr. Gražina Tautvaišienė | Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy | Lithuania |
Dr. phys. Juris Kalvāns | Ventspils University of Applied Sciences | Latvia |
Dr.phys. Boris Ryabov | Ventspils University of Applied Sciences | Latvia |
Dr. phys. Juris Freimanis | Ventspils University of Applied Sciences | Latvia | Janis Kaminskis | Riga Technical University | Latvia |
Dr. phys. Dmitrii Kolotkov | University of Warwick | The United Kingdom |
Boris Ryabov | |
Rūta Maltisova | |
If you have questions, please contact us by writing to the email address with subject „BAASP2023 Committee”
Phone: +371 63629656
Inzenieru street 101, Ventspils,
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