For the first time VIRAC staff participates in the LOFAR data processing seminar at the ASTRON Institute in the Netherlands

January 17, 2017

From 8th to 13th January during the project “Building on Advanced Lofar Technology for Innovation, Collaboration and Sustainability” (BALTICS), four VIRAC employees – Gatis Gaigals, Evita Vaviļina, Atvars Nikolajevs and Kaspars Prūsis visited the project partner – the Netherland Institute of Radio Astronomy ASTRON, where they participated in the LOFAR data-processing seminar “Long-baseline LOFAR busy week”.

Seminar was attended by participants from different European countries such as Germany, France, Ireland and Poland. During the seminar, VIRAC employees learned about the main operating principles, advantages and disadvantages of a long baseline telescope, as well as the process of data processing. In practical terms, during the seminar, technical and technological problems related to the different stages of the long LOFAR observation data baseline processing were addressed to improve the tools used in the long baseline user community and to process the data and images obtained from LOFAR long baseline data.

The knowledge and expertise gained make it possible to better understand the principles and technical problems used in LOFAR data processing, which can be useful in the future when faced with similar problems in improving the data processing process.

Seminārā piedalījās dalībnieki no dažādām Eiropas valstīm, piemēram, Vācijas, Francijas, Īrijas un Polijas. Semināra laikā VSRC darbinieki iepazinās ar garas bāzes līnijas teleskopu galvenajiem darbības principiem, priekšrocībām un trūkumiem, kā arī datu apstrādes procesu. Praktiski semināra laikā tika gan risinātas tehniskas un tehnoloģiskas problēmas, kas saistītas ar garas bāzes līnijas LOFAR novērojumu datu apstrādes dažādiem posmiem, lai veiktu uzlabojumus rīkiem, kas tiek izmantoti garas bāzes līnijas lietotāju kopienā, gan apstrādāti garas bāzes līnijas LOFAR novērojumu dati un iegūti attēli.

Iegūtās zināšanas un kompetence ļauj labāk izprast LOFAR datu apstrādē izmantotos principus un tehniskās problēmas, kas var noderēt nākotnē, saskaroties ar līdzīgām problēmām datu apstrādes procesa uzlabošanā.

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Images taken by Atvars Nikolajevs, Gatis Gaigals, Evita Vaviļina and Kaspars Prūsis.

More information about the project and its activities can be found here.

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