Purchase for the radio telescope RT-32 mirror surface adjustment service is planned

September 29, 2019

Purchase for the radio telescope RT-32 mirror surface adjustment service is planned     

To increase the reception efficiency of the VIRAC radio telescope RT-32 and the accuracy of the received information, within the project it is planned to adjust the surface of the mirror, which will include the adjustment of each mirror surface fragment to the total surface. The surface of the mirror of the radio telescope consists of several plates, each of which can be adjusted in relation to the total surface, or simply put, the screws on the plates can be tightened or loosened, thus changing their position.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Within the project, technical specifications are currently prepared and, in early October, it is planned to announce an open tender for the purchase of RT-32 mirror surface adjustment service. The purchase will also include a microwave holography device to measure the accuracy of the mirror surface before adjusting the mirror surface, as well as later to use this device for the analysis of mirror surface deviations.   


Following the service, the reception efficiency of the radio telescope and the accuracy of the information received are expected to improve, and such a surface will allow observations over a much wider frequency range, which means more opportunities to participate in radio astronomical observations in both EVN and single antenna modes.

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