This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
May 16, 2018
In August of 2017 after intensive work on establishing cooperation a contract was signed between Spire Global Inc., a company registered in the United States of America and extending its offices across several continents while operating globally, and Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre of Ventspils University College.
Spire Global Inc. is a space to cloud data analytics company that utilizes proprietary satellite data and algorithms to provide the most advanced maritime, aviation, and weather tracking in the world. Spire`s data analytics is backed by a wholly owned and developed constellation of nanosatellites, global ground station network, and 24/7 operations that provide real-time global coverage of every point on Earth over 100 times per day. To learn more, visit:
By the second week of May 2018 a combined effort has led to the establishment of Spire Global Inc. satellite ground station at Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre’s of Ventspils University College (VIRAC) Radio Telescope site at Irbene, Latvia. This is an important step for widening VIRACs field of affairs, advancing its Electronics and Satellite engineering department as well as being an honor to participate in reaching the goals set forth by Spire Global Inc.
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