This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
February 27, 2018
The total eligible funding available within the scope of the second stage of selection is EUR 15,228,440, including the planned total eligible funding for the research related to economic activity - EUR 7,614,220 and for research not related to economic activity – EUR 7,614,220, of which EUR 1,522,844 are planned for the implementation of fundamental research. The maximum total eligible funding of a research application is EUR 133,806.
Young scientists who qualify for the project requirements both from Ventspils University of Applied Sciences (VUAS) and those who are abroad or in Latvia and want to conduct research in one of the areas of VUAS research programme are invited to apply: astronomy and astrophysics, satellite engineering and electronics, high performance computing, earth's surface remote sensing, ICT and electronics in applied sciences, including language technologies, signal and image processing technology, mathematical modelling in physics, applications of optical signals and spectroscopy, business, innovation, regional development, economics and social capital management, applied and comparative linguistics, translation.
The purpose of the activity is to develop the skills of new scientists and to increase the scientific capacity, ensuring the possibilities for new scientists to start a career in scientific institutions and with enterprises, as well as improvement of research competencies, renewal of human resources and increase in the number of qualified specialists.
The following activities are supported in the research application:
Young scientists who qualify for the project requirements and want to conduct research in the field of science of interest, in cooperation with a foreign or Latvian scientific institution, university or merchant can develop a project application and apply for funding for a project lasting up to 36 months. In the 2nd selection round of research applications, more attention will be paid to the mobility of post-doctoral students abroad, the quality of scientific publications and the development of new products or technologies, as well as greater emphasis will be put on public involvement and information activities.
Pētniecības pieteikumu 2. atlases kārtā lielāka uzmanība tiks pievērsta pēcdoktorantu ārvalstu mobilitātei, zinātnisko publikāciju kvalitātei un jaunu produktu vai tehnoloģiju izstrādei, kā arī lielāks uzsvars tiks likts uz sabiedrības iesaistes un informēšanas pasākumiem.
For a young scientist who plans to apply for a research application, please submit the following information to the Ventspils University of Applied Sciences Research and Development Department by 3 April, 2018:
Information can be submitted in person at the VUAS Research and Development Department or sent to e-mail
The deadline for submission of the application to the State Education Development Agency is 27 April, 2018.
More detailed information about the competition, supported activities and the 2nd round regulations is available on the State Education Development Agency website:
Phone: +371 63629656
Inzenieru street 101, Ventspils,
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