VSRC viesojas pētnieki no Ukrainas

May 14, 2019

8. maijā notika VSRC seminārs, kurā Oleksii Patoka prezentēja savu veiktos pētījumus. Zemāk pieejams kopsavilkums no prezentētās tēmas.

VSRC viespētnieki ieradušies no Ukrainas Nacionālās Zinātņu Akadēmijas Radioastronomijas institūta.

SPEAKER: Oleksii Patoka – junior researcher Institute of Radio Astronomy NASU, Kharkiv, Ukraine

TITLE:  Microwave Radio Astronomy in Ukraine

ABSTRACT:   Department of millimetre wavelength radio astronomy of IRA NASU is the only group of scientists in Ukraine, which conducts research of the astrophysical objects in the Universe in the microwave range. The Department was founded in 1996. Historically, our staff was engaged in the upgrading of the radio telescope RT-22 in Crimea, Ukraine, most of the department existing time. Then the staff carried out research on the RT-22 in Crimea until this telescope was annexed in 2014. Since then, our staff observing with telescopes from the other countries, as well as developing new research directions, e.c. study of dynamics in the Earth’s mesosphere. The main scientific directions of the microwave radio astronomy in Ukraine: • the study of active star formation regions using the thermal and maser emission of molecules in the microwave range • study of the bipolar outflows in molecular clouds • research of the dynamics of gas components in the Earth’s atmosphere • cosmology • the development of receiving systems for the microwave frequency range The current status of these scientific directions in Ukraine will be discussed at the seminar.

Pasākums notika angļu valodā.

Pasākums notika Latvijas Zinātnes padomes fundamentālo un lietišķo pētījumu projekta nr. lzp – 2018/1-0292 “Galaktisko māzeru pētījumi” ietvaros.

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