This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
May 16, 2019
The scientific and administrative staff of Ventspils University of Applied Sciences VIRAC has made significant preparations within the project to implement the objectives included in the Project application - purchase of a new solar spectral polymeter (receiver for solar research) and Radio telescope for surface adjustment (high precision adjustment).
At the beginning of this year, during a working visit to the Ukrainian Scientific Institute "SATURN", the experience of Ukrainian scientists and engineers in achieving scientific tasks and developing various types of receivers was introduced.
As a result of this visit, as well as joint work with Ukrainian and European scientists, a Terms of Reference has been prepared for the Purchase of a new RT-32 solar spectral polarimeter. This solar radio receiver will allow the use of the RT-32 Radio Telescope for new scientific tasks in the field of solar radio astronomy research, especially in the field of solar hotspots.
The planned time of announcing the procurement this year May, the execution of works is planned for 13 months.
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