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December 23, 2022
Agnieszka Słowikowska has been appointed as the next JIVE Director, to start in January 2023.
Agnieszka (Aga) Słowikowska is currently Associate Professor, Institute of Astronomy, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics, NCU (Poland). For the last three years she was the Deputy Director for Research Infrastructure of the Institute of Astronomy NCU. Among many international responsibilities, she is a member of the European VLBI Network Consortium Board of Directors as well as the current chair of the Opticon RadioNet Pilot project's Board.
Aga is looking forward to taking the role of JIVE Director: "It is a great honour, and I am pleased that I was offered this position. It is a big challenge that I will meet with the help of the JIVE Council and the help of an excellent JIVE team. I believe that my experience gained in recent years as the director of research infrastructure at the Institute of Astronomy at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun is an excellent foundation for fulfilling the duties associated with this position".
Aga Słowikowska will take over the position that Francisco (“Paco”) Colomer has held for the past five years. Colomer will move back to Spain where he will join the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to work in the coordination of the Ministry's activities during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in July-December 2023.
“Aga´s appointment is very good news for JIVE, she has the necessary experience and interest to be an excellent director, I wish her the best in the new role”, says Colomer.
“We warmly welcome Aga in her new role of JIVE Director. Aga has the experience needed to lead a complex and multi-layer institute like JIVE is, and we are all looking forward to collaborating with her," says the JIVE Council Chair Tiziana Venturi. "We wish to thank and congratulate Paco, the outgoing Director, for his dedication and the many achievements of JIVE over the past five years.”
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