This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
Friendyno - Environmentally friendly small power generator with the rotor linear motion for bicycles
(DrauGen - Videi draudzīgs mazas jaudas ģenerators ar lineāru rotora kustību velosipēdiem)
Modern trends in the World show an increasing interest in the use of environmentally friendly alternative energy sources for autonomous low-power loads, like electro machines capable of converting low-speed movement into electrical power. At the same time, new forms of the vernier hybrid permanent-magnet machines which are based on the principle of variable-reluctance have recently come in sight. This simple construct machine offers a compact direct drive solution for low-speed and low power applications.
The novelty of the proposed innovation lies in the implementation of the inductor using the UNICORE strip technology, which makes it possible to use waste-free production of magnetic cores made from silicon steel, which is more friendly for environment. The use of this technology in combination with the new design of generator makes it possible to significantly reduce the material and operational expenses at manufacturing the mentioned device.
Generators with a power up to 5 W are designed for placement on the bikes for charging portable electronics and power-banks.
Ventspils Augstskola, AS “LATVO”.
ERDF Project “Environmentally friendly small power generator with the rotor linear motion (DRAUGEN)”. No:
Vladislavs Bezrukovs,, phone.: +37127134283.
Vladislavs Bezrukovs:
“Friendyno - small power generator with the rotor linear motion”
December 10th, 2020
Ventspils, Latvia
Project Team
Publicity in external resources
Projekta ietvaros izgatavotajam velosipēdu ģeneratoram uzsākti praktiski testi
Projekta ietvaros tiek reģistrēta preču zīme – Friendyno
Projekta ietvaros tiek reģistrēta preču zīme – Friendyno
VeA IZI “Ventspils Starptautiskais Radioastronomijas centrs” noslēgusies ERAF līdzfinansēta pētījumu projekta “DRAUGEN” īstenošana
Latvijā izgudrots ģenerators mobilā tālruņa lādēšanai velobraukšanas laikā
Latvian scientists create bicycle-powered phone charger
Латвийские ученые изобрели велогенератор для зарядки мобильных телефонов
Phone: +371 63629656
Inzenieru street 101, Ventspils,
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