This web page is created within BALTICS project funded from the European Union’s Horizon2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No.692257.
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O.M. Ulyanov. “Ukrainian Radio Telescopes – Today and in the Future”.
M.Orlyuk, Yu.Sumaruk, O. Romenets, O.Ruzhynskiy. “Observations in Geomagnetic Observatories and Repeat Stations of Ukraine: Devices and Equipment”.
Ryabov M.I. Sukharev A.L., Sobitnyak L.I., Komendant V.G., Bezrukovs V., Šteinbergs J., Skirmante K., Orlyuk M.I. , Romenets A.O. “Application of power space radio sources observations and magnetometer measurements to study the global and regional response of extreme states of the Sun-Interplanetary Environment-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere system”.
M.I.Orlyuk, A.A. Romenets. “Temporal changes of the Earth's magnetic field and solar activity: ecological aspect”.
Bezrukovs D., Bezrukovs V. “Microwave observations of the Sun in VIRAC”.
Panishko S.K., Lytvynenko O.A. “Short period variations of the parameters of ionospheric scintillations on the long time observations of the cosmic radio sources at the decametric radio waves”.
Sobitnyak L.I., Ryabov M.I., Orlyuk M.I., Sumaruk Y. “New version Catalog magnetic storms in Odessa Magnetic Anomaly”.
Sukharev A.L., Galanin V.V., M.I.Ryabov . “Observation scintillation radio sources in decameter range on the radio telescope “URAN-4”.
Komendant V.G., Koshkin N.I, Ryabov M.I, Sukharev A.L. “Multiple correlation models of dependence of the drag of artificial satellites on the state of space weather in 23 - 24 cycles of solar activity”.
For more information: Vladislavs Bezrukovs (VIRAC, Latvia)
Multi-Wavelength Study of Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar and Stellar Flares.
Project No. lzp-2022/1-0017
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