By Janis Gulbis
December 2, 2020
Ventspils University of Applied Sciences and DPP Institute of Horticulture co-planned Latvian Council of Science Grant tender application Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity (IMDS) has been highly evaluated and approved. During the project , partners in cooperation will develop an open-access interactive and multifunctional data management information system with data storage, arranging and searching functions, thus obtaining statistics for linguistic and terminological diversity research. Following tasks will be carried out during the project: 1.Data collection and processing in the developed system; 2.P rocessing and analysis of data collected and obtained in the developed system in scientific research; 3.Improvement of additional functionality of the developed system (possibility to include additional databases and data retrieval); 4.Dissemination of research results - preparation and publication of scientific articles, participation in conferences. Project Realisation Period : 0 1.01.2021. – 31.12.2023 Project Total Funding is EUR 300 000,00 of which EUR 183 025,00 are planned to be directed to the implementation of VUAS project tasks. 12 employees will be involved in the project, 8 of whom are VUAS representa tives - linguists, termi nologists, lexicographers, translators and programmers. Project manager is VUAS researcher Dr. philol. Silga Sviķe but the planned scientific tasks of the Institute of Horticulture will be coordinated by the researcher Dr. agr. Arturs Stalažs.