
Researches supported by VUAS


  • Development of QGIS plugins and console applications.
  • Methodology for preparation of three-dimensional urban environment models.
  • SAR data processing for flood detection.
  • Application of data mining methods.

“Next generation information and communication technologies”, Project No. 4 “New generation high volume data processing systems”, sub-activity “Remote sensing of the urban environment”


2014 – 2017.

 Project Partners

University of Liepaja, University of Latvia - Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science

 The Aim of the Project

One of the activities of the project is "To develop algorithms for the recognition of specific urban objects and areas (for example, green areas, industrial regions, etc.) in high-resolution satellite images".

 Funded by

National Research Program


  • Determination of settlements in medium spatial resolution data.
  • Land cover analysis in data of different resolutions.
  • Methodology for ground cover determination using orthophoto maps and Lidar data.
  • Finding the contours of buildings and determining the structure of the building using orthophoto maps and Lidar data.
  • Large volume data processing.

“New European Wind Atlas” (NEWA)


2014 – 2019.

 Project Partners

Partners from 8 countries.

 The Aim of the Project

The main goal of the project is to create a new European wind atlas and improve models.

 Funded by



  • Lidar modeling and noise filtering.
  • Creation of ground cover maps using data with different spatial resolutions.

Implemented projects 

“Study“ Development of a Regional Level Strategy for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Urban Development Areas of the Kurzeme Planning Region Using Satellite Images and the Latest Thermal Auditing Technologies ””


2016 June – 2016 October.

 Project Partners

Ventspils High Technology Park foundation „IDN Research”.

 The Aim of the Project

VUAS activities were related to the processing of thermal aero images for the territory of Liepaja and research in two directions: automated provision of geometric accuracy and research of energy efficiency parameters of buildings using remote sensing data.

 Funded by

Open tender “Capacity building for research and measures to improve public knowledge on climate change and its consequences” of the small-scale grant scheme project application of the European Economic Area financial instrument program for the period 2009-2014.


  • A methodology for semi-automated adaptation of building polygons to aero photography information has been prepared.
  • An analysis of Landsat thermal data for the territory of Liepaja was performed to determine the relationships between land cover and heat islands.
  • The analysis of roof heat distribution for Liepāja territory was performed using thermal aero data.

“Geopositional early warning system integration for disaster prevention in the Baltic Sea”


01.05.2014. – 30.04. 2016.

 Project Partners

Tallinn University of Technology, Marine Systems Institute, Flydog Solutions LLC, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Latvian Coast Guard Service, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute.

 The Aim of the Project

 The main goal of the project was to develop an innovative observation data management system to compile information about the Baltic Sea region.

 Funded by

BONUS project



  • Software for automated download and pre-processing of radar data has been developed.

"Determination of overgrown agricultural areas and non-inventoried forest land inventory indicators using remote sensing methods"


07.04. 2014. – 31.05.2015.

 Project Partners

Latvian State Forest Research Institute “Silava”, LLC “Mikrokods”.

 The Aim of the Project

To develop a methodology for the identification of overgrown agricultural areas, to determine their inventory indicators and development dynamics, using automatic remote sensing data processing methods and to show the application of these methods to the selected test area.

 Funded by

ERDF sub-activities “Competence centers”.


  • Methodologies for determining tree crown cover in medium and high spatial resolution remote sensing data have been developed.
  • The methodologies are user-friendly and include few user-defined parameters.
  •  A demonstration of methods for the test area has been prepared: thematic maps.

 „PureBiomass. Potential and Competitiveness of Biomass as Energy Source in Central Baltic Sea Region”


01.01.2012. – 31.12.2013.

 Project Partners

Kurzeme Planning Region, Ventspils City Council, Turku City, Turku University of Applied Sciences.

 The Aim of the Project

The aim of VUAS activities was to assess and map surface biomass, bioenergy and forest inventory parameters for the Kurzeme region using remote sensing data processing methods.

 Funded by

Central Baltic Interreg IV A Programme


  • Data fusion research - multispectral, radar and Lidar data.
  • K nearest neighbor method tests.
  • Thematic maps: forest areas, tree species, stand stock, surface biomass, stand stock forecasts until 2025.

"Technologies for the reception, transmission and processing of satellite signals"


02.12.2009. – 31.11.2012.

 The Aim of the Project

 Within the framework of the project, various methods for mapping land cover, forest inventory parameters, shoreline changes, algae distribution were studied and fire propagation models were developed.

 Funded by

 European Social Fund project

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